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Layer Four: Task Lighting

Quick. Think about what different rooms are used for. In a kitchen, you prepare food, clean dishes, store food, eat and entertain. A bedroom: you sleep, read, study, play and practice guitar. A living room: watch tv, host parties, relax, read the paper and drink coffee.

Each room is used for specific things, or tasks if you will. For most of us, each of thosetasks are tough to do without the right amount of light. That's what makes the task lighting layer extremely important.

Lack of task lighting can cause eye strainĀ and make simple tasks challenging. (via Caius Durling)

Prepping food can be dangerous without enough light. Think about it. While wielding a sharp blade, it would be helpful to see what you're cutting. Adding bright LED strip lights under your cabinets is a great way to light up your counter.


If you have a student in your home, they'll probably need a desk lamp and a reading lamp next to their bed.

Bedside reading lamps are great for late night study sessions. (via Cynthia Closkey)

Your bathroom doesn't just need a light in the ceiling pointing down. Then you can't see your face in the mirror. Adding aluminum channels with LED strip lights around the mirror lets you see yourself from every angle.

You could install LED strip lights all the way around your vanity. (via Houzz)

As you can see, good lighting is more than throwing up a few light bulbs. With a little thought, any room could benefit from great lighting. I hope you've enjoyed this series on the four steps to lighting any room in your home.

If you have any questions about how you could light your home, feel free to contact our customer service team M-F, 8am-5pm (CST) at 855-768-4135.

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