Outdoor lighting is really easy with our IP67, waterproof LED light strips.
We wanted to share a few ideas to help you start lighting outside.
1. Deck Lighting
- "Deck Lighting" via Shannon Demma
To get a lighting effect like this, you'donly need to run LED strips under the banisters on your back porch. There are lots of other ways to light your deck too!
2. Patio Lighting
- "Night lights" via Wonderlane
IP67 strips are great for entertaining too. These lights are strung along this fence and provide illumination in the backyard. Your parties can go all night long.
3. Front Door Decorations
- "Vega" via Creative Tools
You could celebrate a holiday or just entice customers into your store with beautiful front door decorations. This star was made with 3-D printed pieces. You can download the files to print one yourself.
4. Signs & Store Frontage
Our outdoor strips and LED modules are great for illuminating signs. And you could also light your storefront to create interest and generate more foot traffic.
1 comment
John Odwyer
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