Loyalty Rewards

Support, Savings, and 

Rewards You Deserve!

Loyalty Rewards

Support, Savings, and Rewards You Deserve!

Loyalty Rewards

Support, Savings, and Rewards You Deserve!

Loyalty Rewards

Support, Savings, 

and Rewards 

You Deserve!

Discover the Value of Loyalty Rewards
  • Earn $100 in store credit for every $5,000 accumulated spend
  • Receive bonus store credits at higher spending milestones ($200 at $20,000, $550 at $50,000)
  • Use accumulated credits towards future purchases for even greater savings!
  • Credit can only be earned and redeemed for direct purchases on www.hitlights.com. 
Discover the Value of Loyalty Rewards
  • Earn $100 in store credit for every $5,000 accumulated spend
  • Receive bonus store credits at higher spending milestones ($200 at $20,000, $550 at $50,000)
  • Use accumulated credits towards future purchases for even greater savings!
  • Credit can only be earned and redeemed for direct purchases on www.hitlights.com. 
Discover the Value of Loyalty Rewards
  • Earn $100 in store credit for every $5,000 accumulated spend
  • Receive bonus store credits at higher spending milestones ($200 at $20,000, $550 at $50,000)
  • Use accumulated credits towards future purchases for even greater savings!
Common Questions

How do I join the loyalty rewards?

You can join our loyalty rewards by becoming a professional partner. Simply sign up risk-free and start earning in-store credits on your orders. 

How do I earn the in-store credits? Is there a minimum spend requirement for every purchase?

You earn in-store credits when you order using your professional online account. Here is a table for reference:

Can I use my store credits on any purchase? 

 Yes, you can use your accumulated store credits towards any future direct online order at www.hitlights.com. You can also use it in conjunction with our secured online payment if the amount is not enough to cover the full amount of the order. 

What happens if an order is cancelled, when store credit is used?

The in-store credit is also refunded back to your online account. 

How do I redeem my store credits? 

You can redeem your store credits when you are on the checkout process using your online account.

How can I check how much store credit balance? 

You can check the balance via your online account on the check out page > payment section. You can also contact our team at 1 (855) 768-4135 for assistance. We will also send communication every month showing the balance of unused loyalty rewards store credit.

When does the store credits expire?

All credits must be redeemed in the year they were earned. If you earned your store credits in 2025, they will expire after December 31, 2025.